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There’s always a need to respond to, and as a church it’s our responsibility to do just that. We help those in need locally as well

as worldwide. 

 Our Annual Mitten & Glove Ministry

Please donate a pair of gloves or a hat for the needy.
A Christmas Box is located in the rear of the Sanctuary to receive your generous gifts.
TUMC Nursery & Sunday School


Volunteers are needed to help with Sunday School!


Sunday School is available each week during worship!  Sue H. is our Sunday School Leader. Please contact Sue if you are interested in helping with Sunday School! 

Samaritan’s Purse
International Shoe Box Relief program 

Would you like to donate?


If you would like to help by making a greatly appreciated donation. Please contact the church at (908) 813-8341 or call our Pastor during normal hours. (973) 534-2621


For UMCOR, The United Methodist Committee on Relief, the church collects supplies that enable people to begin the overwhelming job of cleaning up after a flood or hurricane. The supplies include: 5 gallon buckets, dish soap, air freshener, insect repellant, scrub brushes, cleaning wipes, sponges, scouring pads, clothes pins, clothesline, heavy-duty trash bags, dust masks, diswashing gloves and 

work gloves. 

Your Financial Support Matters


This is a great time of the year to count our many blessings and to show our gratitude for all that God does for us.

Please review your commitment card from last year and prayerfully consider your financial response to God’s work here at Tranquility for the coming year. Your consistent weekly offering or tithe is your unique expression of gratitude and response to what God so freely gives. Please generously support our ministries! Commitment card box will be available or use our offering plates to pledge or tithe.

© 2016 by Tranquility United Methodist Church

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